Friday, February 17, 2012

oUT oF the oRDINARY master space I first made an inroad to the deep recesses of my mind, in retrospect not exactly keen but no farther out than the outer reaches of the Milky Way. I developed an instrument, like a spaceship, that would house me, or rather my intellect, and transport me to my inner regions, deep within the meaty constrains of my cerebral cortex where no man has gone before and even God makes no mention. I wonder myself how one man can be in two different places, even if one is introspective. I lay upon the table, floating in a tube and my brain is scanned and lit up like modern art on a flat screen monitor. An outline shows nothing but spaghetti, but the microscope travels deep, then deeper yet until known space evaporates into an endless universe of singing strands of thought. Everything within touches and twines until one end of infinity reaches the other in a conundrum of inexplicable revolution. I have a lifeline, but in the confusion of awe it becomes tangled and unaware I travel on, following contrails of thought, notions of conscious ambiguity, trains of boundless reason in a limitless loop that stretches forth to the pinprick of linear perspective. Still further in I recognize finally that no amount of spatial investigation will reveal the inherent truth intuitive. My instruments will prick no vein of galactic insight or brew up a Petri dish voila'. Even as I don my space suit of eclectic doodads and tendrils of collation I ascertain the ultimate sentiment that nothing is knowable, anything is outlandish, all is interminable. I find I could drift forever in my own thoughts, and be no nearer to the truth, and there is none, there is only there is only there is only there is...


  1. drift and you will find nothing and everything.
    great piece Tom!!!


    1. I like that quote, so true. Also I'm living it right now! Thanks

  2. until known space evaporates into an endless universe of singing strands of thought.

    with this one big fat hug! there is only there is only there is only there is...

    doesn't it drive you mad sometimes?


  3. i'm beginning to believe that a measure of happiness in life is the ability to manage ambivalence. this synaptic roller coaster ride of yours is one of the best expressions of that very idea......brilliant stuff, tom.

  4. I was enjoying this - until the last para'! Fine work, though.

